El sustrato es el punto de partida para el establecimiento de las plantas. De allí que, la elección del tipo de sustrato depende de la planta que se quiera cultivar, ya que éstas difieren en el tamaño y forma de su sistema radical, del grosor de las raíces y en los requerimientos de agua y nutrimentos.
En el caso de las orquídeas la selección del sustrato es de gran importancia, considerando que a excepción de algunas, la mayoría son epífitas, es decir, viven sobre árboles, por eso, más que un medio para absorber nutrientes, el sustrato es un elemento para anclaje y fijación de la planta, ya que sus raíces permanecen en contacto con el aire.
El sustrato Aliven ó Aliflor, es definido como agregados livianos a base de arcilla expandida, utilizados también en construcción, ya que ofrecen el mismo rango de resistencia que los concretos tradicionales, proporcionan un mayor aislamiento térmico y acústico.
Plants require substrate to anchor their roots and to absorb water and nutrients. The substrate is the starting point for plant grow and development. There are several kinds of substrates on the market, they can be use to grow many orchid species and other plants. However, the choice of substrate depends on the plant species you want to grow, since the root system differ in size and shape, as in root thickness, water and nutrient requirements.
For orchids, the substrate selection is very important, considering that except for a few of them are epiphytes, meaning they live on trees, so, more than an elemnet to absorb nutrients, substrate is a complex to anchor and fix the plant as the roots stay in contact with air.
In orchids, the substrate or growing medium must offer drainage conditions, humidity retention and ventilation that resemble as far as possible the growing environment in the wild condition in order to ensure a healthy and continuous development.
Once the plant is placed into a pot, ventilation and substrate moisture as well as environment moisture must be considered in order to avoid occurrence of diseases and pests.
The substrate Aliven or Aliflor, lightweight aggregates are defined as expanded clay agregates, also used in construction, as they offer same range of strength than traditional concrete, providing good thermal and acoustic insulation.
The Aliflor consists of spheres of clay or beads, widely used for water retention and moisture transmission by capillary action. This substrate is capable of absorbing water up to 50% of its own weight and reduce temperature inside the substrate (by heat transfer). It is also an inert substrate, economical, easy to use and provides good aeration or surface because it is not completely smooth but contains cavities which gives a porosity of up to 90%.
On the other hand, pots are of fundamental importance for orchids establishment and development. Clay pots are particularly suitable, they must have holes in the bottom and side slits as shown in the picture.
For other terrestrial plants, Aliflor or Aliven, can also be used as a means of supporting and retaining moisture in glass containers without soil, as in the case of dracaenas.
For orchids, the substrate selection is very important, considering that except for a few of them are epiphytes, meaning they live on trees, so, more than an elemnet to absorb nutrients, substrate is a complex to anchor and fix the plant as the roots stay in contact with air.
In orchids, the substrate or growing medium must offer drainage conditions, humidity retention and ventilation that resemble as far as possible the growing environment in the wild condition in order to ensure a healthy and continuous development.
Once the plant is placed into a pot, ventilation and substrate moisture as well as environment moisture must be considered in order to avoid occurrence of diseases and pests.
The substrate Aliven or Aliflor, lightweight aggregates are defined as expanded clay agregates, also used in construction, as they offer same range of strength than traditional concrete, providing good thermal and acoustic insulation.
The Aliflor consists of spheres of clay or beads, widely used for water retention and moisture transmission by capillary action. This substrate is capable of absorbing water up to 50% of its own weight and reduce temperature inside the substrate (by heat transfer). It is also an inert substrate, economical, easy to use and provides good aeration or surface because it is not completely smooth but contains cavities which gives a porosity of up to 90%.
On the other hand, pots are of fundamental importance for orchids establishment and development. Clay pots are particularly suitable, they must have holes in the bottom and side slits as shown in the picture.
For other terrestrial plants, Aliflor or Aliven, can also be used as a means of supporting and retaining moisture in glass containers without soil, as in the case of dracaenas.
hola maria fernanda en que parte estan ubicados, necesito sustrato para mis orquideas
EliminarDime qué necesitas ¿desde dónde me escribes tú?
hola buenas tardes donde puedo conseguir aliflor porq consigo solo aliven para construccion techo piso y creo q es mas pesada y un poco mas pequeña me puede ayudar?
EliminarEste lo venden en viveros
(aquí llamamos así donde venden plantas, macetas y substratos.
Sí el mismo que usan en construcción.
Lo que hace este producto es evitar la evaporación del agua desde el substrato.
No aporta nutrientes ni nada.
Hola que tal!? Me pasa lo mismo de conseguir unicamente aliven, tenia entendido que se preparaba distinto al aliflor. Entonces tengo un par de preguntas.. ¿Ha usado aliven para sus plantas? ¿Ha tenido buenos resultados usándola? Gracias de antemano; espero su respuesta, feliz día.
EliminarHola, si cualquiera de los dos te sirve.
EliminarSaludos y éxito con tus plantas
hola buen dia, una pregunta que le puedo hechar a mis orquideas se resecan bien rapido aunque le hecho agua y me doy cuenta que no pegan. La raiz se secan. son orquideas silvestres.
ResponderEliminarTrata de colocar tus orquídeas en un ambiente con mayor humedad relativa. Puedes tratar de hacer un pequeño micoclima para que el agua no se evapore tan rápido.
EliminarAl ser orquídeas silvestres tienen gran especificidad por substratos y climas,
es mas delicado lograr su adaptación a condiciones controladas.